Contact Us

Lieutenant Governor Josh Green is committed to closing the communication gap between Hawai‘i’s people and their government.  Using this section, you may: send your questions, comments, concerns, or messages of aloha; request a meeting; submit a scheduling request; and sign up to receive email updates from Lieutenant Josh Green

Contact Information

State Operator

Phone: 808-586-2211

Office of the Governor

The Honorable David Y. Ige
Governor, State of Hawai`i

Executive Chambers
State Capitol
Honolulu, Hawai`i  96813

Phone: 808-586-0034
Fax: 808-586-0006

Office of the Lieutenant Governor 

The Honorable Josh Green
Lieutenant Governor, State of Hawai`i

State Capitol
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813

Phone:(808) 586-0255
Fax: (808) 586-0231

Email:  Contact the Lt. Governor
State Departments

Connect to State Departments

Frequently requested numbers

Birth, death, marriage, divorce certificates (Department of Health): 586-4539 website

General Excise Tax information (Department of Taxation): 587-1455 website

Hawai‘i Public Housing Authority information: 587-3435 website

Section 8 (Low income housing): 832-6040 website

Highways & roads maintenance (Department of Transportation): 831-6714 website

Homeless Programs: 832-5930 website

Medquest information (Department of Human Services): 586-5390 website

Name Change (Lt. Governor’s office): 586-0255 website

State Identification (Attorney General’s office):  587-3111 website

State Identification – Maui: 243-5796

State Identification – Kaua`i: 247-3100

State Identification – West Hawai`i: 327-4953

State Identification – East Hawai`i: 974-6262

State Library (Main Branch): 586-3500 website

Tax Refund (Department of Taxation): 587-1660 website

Vector Control: 483-2535 website

Board of Education: 586-3332 website

City and County of Honolulu information line: 768-4385 website

City and County of Honolulu Office of the Mayor: 523-4141 website

City & County Section 8 (Low income housing): 523-4266

County of Kaua‘i Office of the Mayor: 241-6300 website

County of Maui Office of the Mayor: 270-7855 website

County of Hawai‘i Office of the Mayor: 961-8223 website

Social Security Office:  541-3600

Office of the Lt. Governor UIPA Requests

State Capitol, 5th Floor
415 S. Beretania Street
Honolulu, Hawai`i  96813

FAX:  (808) 586-0231

Email: UIPA Requests