January 2nd, 2019
Wailuku, Maui
The 2019-2021 Maui County Council, along with newly elected Mayor Mike Victorino, were sworn in on January 2nd in the Council Chambers in Wailuku. Maui’s newest Council Members include community organizers, devoted parents to children with developmental disabilities, grandparents, environmentalists, housing experts, teachers, first responders, attorneys, tourism experts, little league coaches, and non-profit champions.
Joining the Maui County Council are Rikki Hokama, Tasha Kama, Kelly T. King, Alice L. Lee, Michael J. Molina, Tamara A. Paltin, Keani N. W. Rawlins-Fernandez, Shane M. Sinenci, and Yuki Lei Kashiwa Sugimura.
Lieutenant Governor Green delivered the key note speech during the ceremony, emphasizing the unique ability of Council Members to most directly impact the lives of their constituents.
“…it’s very personal to be elected to be a Council Member or a Mayor because, more than perhaps any other office, you will truly know your constituents, and they will know you. More than almost any other office you will be empowered to help someone you know personally on your own street.” Green stated in his address.
A plethora of important responsibilities fall under the Council’s jurisdiction from legislating appropriations and taxes to conducting department investigations and obtaining special counsel.
In addition to the legislative rolls designated to the Council, Lieutenant Governor Green stressed the profound importance of local government officials to their communities and the remarkable opportunities they have to advocate for and improve the lives of the citizens of Maui County on a personal, day-to-day level.
“No one better than you understands the cultural differences of a uniquely diverse county, how
people from Molokai differ in their needs and beliefs from those on Lanai and Maui. You
understand your people best and that’s why you are so so critical in your office.The ‘day in and day out’ proximity to your constituents also means that you, more than any
other elected official, will have the power to deliver daily acts of kindness and generosity that
people can witness and view as leadership by example.”
Lieutenant Governor Green concluded his address by imploring the newly elected officials to find common ground and work together when problems arise to find the best solutions for the people of Maui. “Be heartfelt leaders. Be compassionate. Embrace your common values.”
Congratulations to Mayor Victorino and the 2019-2021 Maui County Council. Good luck, and make everyday count!